Tuesday 25 November 2014

Great Week

Elder Pinyon has sent me 2 emails for updates. Just a reminder, I don't share the emails that has been sent back and forth like talking to each other.

He said "Hey, this week was just great, well actually the last 2 days. So yesterday we get a call in the middle of our eating appointment from my Zone Leaders, saying be at Tiergarten Pfahlhaus at 6.15pm the Piano Guys are playing for us. Now if you dont know the Piano Guys, please get to know who they are, they are amazing classical music musicians and Mormons. So we had a surprise fireside with them. They gave us their testimonies, they played for us and also answered questions for us. It was truly wonderful to hear these wonderful men just share their testimonies about the gospel, men that work together, they are signed up with Sony and they let the Lord do all the lead in anything they do. Music is amazing.

I learnt quite a few things from them, they told us that "when you take off the nametag, that is when you really start missionary work" I want you to remember that, because that for me is powerful, we are set apart servants of the Lord, but we need to enduring and continue working and do the Lords work, whether we are set apart or not. I also learnt that when we partake of the sacrament, we just dont renew our covenants we made at sacrament, we renew all of our covenants we make with the Lord. It is true, read and pray about the sacrament pray!

Also we shouldn't look at life through a telescope, the world makes us look through a telescope and that is not how the Lords wants us to view life, but we should take the telescope off and see the world for what it really is, it is a sanctuary. There is so much that we could see if we really just opened our eyes. Also we as members of the Lords restored church, need to be more confidant that we are members. I am not saying we should be prideful about it, but we need to be confidant. Don't be scared because you are Mormon, the Lord is on our side, He really wants us to see our potential and we can only do that through being confidant in who we really are.

So today, we played Turkey Bowl, which is an American thing, but it was really cool. So we played American Football, mission president was there and it was really great, I really enjoyed myself, but before the game, I did the Haka for my mission president and he loved it :D

Elder Pinyon"

Also another email, he said

"Also something to add to the blog that I learnt last night:
It was about spinning plates at the circus, so you know how at the circus the clowns get the plates on the sticks spinning, but they dont focus all on three plates, only when they start wobbling or falling, than they will focus on them. Well it is just like life, we need to focus on just one thing, yes we have got our other plates. E.g. our church plate, our family plate and our work plate. We cant let them fall because they are so precious, but we need to make sure that we are not focusing on all three at once or our life will collapse apart. Sometimes we just cant ballance things in our lives, but we just need to keep the plates spinning, that is what is important. :D"

- Stay Tuned.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

More Success

Elder Pinyon mentioned a lot through the email. A reminder, I don't copy and paste the whole email, just updates.

He said

"This week was a good week, I feel that by the end of the week we were starting to see more success rather than at the start of the week. I am not sure why it felt like that, but I am sure to keep looking back on that so that we can fix anything so we can help along with the work of salvation and bring our brothers and sisters back to where they need to be. This week was really good for me as a missionary and also as a District Leader. I had district leader school and I learnt a lot that I am greatful for, becuase now I know how to use the Mission Training Plan, I know how to set worthy goals that the Lord would be pleased about and goals that we can acheive. But all in all, I learnt how to be a better missionary.

Zone Training Meeting fell out this week so I decided that we needed a District Meeting so that we could come together and discuss about the goals we had set and also the goals that we would set. I had the wonderful opportunity to share with the Lords district what I learnt in District Leader School and help them become members of the Lords District. On Friday, I was able to have the opportunity to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I went to Tiergarten with a zone leader. There on Thursday night we met with an investigator that is actually from our area and we had an amazing hour long lesson with this investigator and the spirit was thick, you could feel it and could not deny that it was there. I learnt so much about how important asking the right questions are and just relying on the Lord, because it was an unplanned lesson.

Later during the exchange on Friday we did quite a lot of finding, but I was able to receive some great tips on how to better my finding skills and also able to help towards the work in the Tiergarten area as we found a new investigator. On Sunday we had a random call at about 10am so just after priesthood and it was a contact that had received a card from us and wanted to meet with us, so we invited him to come to church, he came for about the last 5 minutes, but we took him to a eating appointment wit hus and he really enjoyed the atmosphere and understood that the members really do love him, this week we will start our teaching with him. Also an investigator is progressing really well, she has been coming to church and we are still waiting to meet with her parents until we can baptise her, but she brought money along yesterday to pay tithing, she really wants to be baptised and she is really progressing really well. I am excited, hopefully this week we can meet with her parents. Please pray for us that everything will work out.

I have a funny story for you as well you can add to the blog.... I acutally met a girl on the street the other day and she is from Bavaria and I was talking to her about Australia because she visited there for 3 months and about swimming in the great barrier reef and everything, so I tried to ask her if we could  meet sometime, but I said to her "Können wir uns tauchen?" and not "können with uns treffen?" So the difference is that the first one I said "CAN WE IMMERSE OURSELVES?" and then I said to myself, that is not correct, umm and she laughed and thought that it was cute, haha. but then I just explained that my german isnt perfect and she understood.

Elder Pinyon"

Stay Tuned.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Halloween Experience

Another Experience that Elder Pinyon shared. This one was on Halloween.

He said "I actually have another experience relating to halloween that you can post on my blog:

Halloween is actually a decently sized event here in Germany. We actually had an appointment that night and we heard some footsteps through the chapel in the middle of our appointment and we thought it was some hooligans and they knocked at the door, little to our surprise it was a member with his son going door to door and he noticed that the door of the chapel was open so he came in to find us. His son gave us some candy and then they went away, little to our surprise, 10 minutes later they came back and gave us some more candy and the father shared this experience in sacrament meeting yesterday. He said that his son said, "Pappa, möchte ich mehr candy zur Elders geben" "Dad, I want to give more candy to the Elders" and little his surprise he did it because the little 4 year old boy felt the love, the Christlike love as he served us. Later that night at their house, the little 4 year old boy said to his parents, "muma, Papa können wir ein gebet zusammen sprechen?" Mum, dad, can we say a prayer together. The father wept during the prayer and through his testimony because he knew that his son had been touched by the love of Christ that night and that it became an experience that he will never forget."

Stay Tuned

Monday 3 November 2014

The Power of Testimony

As Elder Pinyon emailed me with a wonderful experience, I was thinking should I share that experience on the blog or not. So I asked him if I should through as a reply. He mentioned "Yes." I was happy about the response that he said. Here's the experience that Elder Punyon has shared with me.

He said,
"I was sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday and of course it is all in German and I want to testify to you that God loves us, it is His priesthood that we use and we must go to the temple to receive more blessings and make more covenants with God. As I was sitting and listening to the German members, a proud father came up and bore his testimony because his son passed the sacrament for the first time (he just turned 12) and I felt this wave of love just come over me and I just started crying. Than a few testimonies later I seemed to compose myself and another proud father said the same thing, but shared some personal things that I wont really tell, but again I felt the love of our Saviour again and it came in like a wave and smashed me and I cried so bad. Than I finally composed myself again, this sister in our ward went up and bore her testimony of the truthfullness and blessings of temples and once again I just felt this overwehlming love and cried again.

I dont know why or how I felt that much love, I still think I dont deserve that, but it doesnt matter what language you are listening to, no matter who is baring their testimony, as long as it is born with pure love and intent to do good, the Lord will share His love to others and will testify to us and I just want to say that this was the most amount of love and spirituallity I have felt in my life, if I wasnt called to Germany Berlin Mission, I wouldnt of felt this love the Saviour has for us. I testify that He lives and that He really does love us. I know that without a doubt. I am greatful for everything I have."
Stay Tuned.