Tuesday 31 March 2015

#Because He Lives

It has been great to receive updates from Elder Pinyon during his mission. I love reading emails from him during his mission. I also love how I could tell that he has been gaining a stronger testimony each time he gets to email me. Take a moment for this post to think about that Easter is coming up.

I will share with you all of what he has said for this week and I have been grateful to able to have conversations with Elder Pinyon on some Mondays.

Elder Pinyon said "Because He Lives"

The web address is www.mormon.org/easter and it has really inspired me. Something that we really forget is what the Atonement is, it isn't just the suffering in Gethsemane, or the suffering on the cross, but it is more than that, it is more than that all put together. It is every single drop of blood that dropped for you and for me, it is the moments on the cross as Christ, one of the most important moments to me now is the last hour on the cross. I never really understood why Christ said to His father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?  But now after studying it and gaining a testimony, I truly understand that this last hour that Christ had to go through everything by himself, that He had no spirit with him and all the pains from Gethsemane came back to him in this last hour too.
The most amazing thing about the Atonement is that it doesnt stop there. It is also includes the resurrection. I am so greatful to know that I will one day have a perfect body. Just like it says in Alma 40:23 the body and the spirit will be restored.

Also this week, I learnt something really important from my mission president, which I have never really learnt before. Alma 32:23 "And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto men, yea, not only men but women also. Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned." A parable that is confused and mixed up very often between members of the church is: when you begin or continue to experiment upon His words. The experiment is with the word and faith in different stages is the outcome. Too often we as members want to experiment upon our faith, then we "doubt our doubts first". Verse 29 in Alma 32 states clearly, "Now behold, would not this (the experiment upon the word - His scriptures) increase your faith?" With such a clarification and confirmation, let us understand His Atonement more and more, given to us in divine words in scriptures and by the words of living prophets.

I love the gospel so much and no one, absolutely no one can prove it wrong. I know that it is true, I give you testimony that I know these things for myself, just like Alma the prophet. In Alma 5:45-48 Alma testifies of these things to be true, because the Spirit of the Lord had come unto him to let him know that it was true. He did fast and prayer, but after time, he was able to receive the answer he needed. He didnt tell them about the experience that he had with the angel appearing to him, but just the power experience he had through the spirit!! I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart. Sorry that this is all over the place, but I am sure that it all makes sense haha. "

I sent an email to Elder Pinyon to mentioned that what he mentioned has made sense to me. I hope it makes sense to you all. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to instant email me on megangreen20131@gmail.com
Stay Tuned.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

A Bombing Week

Elder Pinyon mentioned a lot for his second email. I will share with you what he says.

"This week was a bombing week, we did so much this week. I love the mission life, always on the run haha. On Tuesday, we were in hamburg for our Leadership conference and I learnt a lot there, I really learnt how to become a better missionary. Also that night we were able to do a baptismal interview with an investigator and now she is baptised :D On Wednesday, we had our district meeting and we also tried out a new finding idea and that is chalking :D It was so much fun, we actually did it twice this week. We drew the plan of salvation on the side walk and it was great, we had a lot of success through it. On Thursday we had another district meeting to visit, and that was super fun. After that we did an exchange and I came back to Kiel and we did some more chalking, I will add the photos into this email :D Also, we were able to have some contact with a few less actives, so that was really awesome :D Friday was a hectic day, we exchanged back and we got stuck in a city called Elmshorn, the trains were all delayed because of technical problems, naja, so ist das Leben. Saturday was super awesome, we visited with a lot of investigators and helped them all come closer to Christ, we had an eating appointment and we also played some soccer with the members and their friends. I always love Sundays, that is like a holiday for 3 hours, just sitting in paradise for 3 hours and really being able to focus on yourself :D I love the opportunity to be able to partake of the sacrament every week :D Also helped a young man in our ward start his mission papers, so he is on his way to becoming a missionary :D Today we went to the aquarium and saw some cool fish, unfortunately it is not like Australia, but naja, so ist das Leben. There was no sharks there, but we got to see some manta rays :D Also we walked down this street and it was really funny. It was an interesting street, but anways, it had a church and, I will probably stop there, but if any further questioning is wanted, just contact me haha.

Well I hope you all have a great St. Patricks day tomorrow :D WEAR GREEN

Elder Pinyon "

A friendly reminder the photos are posted on this blog under "Mission Photos" section and posted on Facebook under "MTC & Mission Photos" Album.

Stay Tuned.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Wunder Der Woche (Miracle of the Week)

Elder Pinyon emailed me. He mentioned a lot for this week's update. He said, "WUNDER DER WOCHE (Miracle of the Week) A few weeks ago we found him on the street and he told us that, he had prayed to speak with someone who would talk to him about God. We spoke to him about the Book of Mormon and made out an appointment with him for the coming few days. He is young, he is really excited about the gospel and he is German. Last night in our appointment with him, everything was amazing, but I need to start at the start of the day. Well actually Saturday night.

We called Daniel to ask him if he would come to church and he said no, but 10 minutes later he called us back and said, I have some free time, I would love to come to church and check it out. As soon as we found that out, we told the YSA about it so they could meet him and get to know him. He walked with us and we rode the bus to church, he was a little bit excited because he didn't really know what to expect, but when he came he loved it. He loved that everyone was sharing their
testimonies. He said he felt the spirit. He felt it so much that he felt that he should go an bare his testimony as well, but he didn't.

After church and in our appointment, we asked him how church was, he said after he left, he started fasting, he wanted to try it out. Also he wants to pay fast offering next week at church for his fast. During our lesson we discussed with him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And once we explained baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, we invited him to baptism and he said yes straight away. He
said that he wanted to be apart of this church. It was such a testimony builder for me, to see the desire that people have to change their lives, so they can come to know Christ and God. 

After we finished discussing our lesson, we asked him to pray about the date that we had set for him and he said in the most humblest way, I already know that it is the right date, but I will do it. He also
prayed at the end of the lesson, the spirit was so strong, it is something that I have only felt a few times on my mission, but I know that he is a chosen one. I know that this work is so true, I love the
opportunity that I have, to help Daniel towards making a covenant with God, I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is just the start, like is says in 2 Nephi 31:19 - And now my beloved brethern after ye have gotten into this straight and narrow path, I would ask you if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay.

This week we also went to a little dorf called Plön, it was really small and not to successful haha. But we got some nice pics. After we got home, I found that my glass had broken AGAIN!! So my companion offered to fix it for me, so he glued it with some super glue and yea, he was rubbing the glue onto the glass and his finger couldn't move anymore and he was stuck to the glass. So he had to use his knife to get his finger off the glass. That involved a lot of time and pain haha. We always learn from our mistakes. :D

Have a great week.

Elder Pinyon"

Friendly reminder the photos are on this blog under "Mission Photos" and on Facebook under "MTC & Mission Photos." 

Stay Tuned.