Tuesday 29 July 2014

Second Area is Marzahn, Berlin

Elder Pinyon is no longer in Göttigen Area. He got transferred to his second area which is Marzahn, Berlin. This week's email was brief and short. I will share most of what he said through this week's email.

"Hey Megan, this week was really good, we had our transfer calls on Saturday and I am being transfered to Marzahn, Berlin. This week also we set a baptismal date for an investigator for the 23 August, so I am really excited for him, unfortunately I wont be able to see it, but it is alright because it is the Lords work not mine :D Other than that, that is my week. Really sad to leave Göttingen it reminds me of home, being so small and yeah, but all is good. Will send my new address when I find it out.


Elder Pinyon"

I have 2 reminders. The first reminder is I wouldn't be sharing the whole email of what he says, because sometimes I consider it's confidential between Elder Pinyon and I. I will be sharing what is relevant to you all readers to read about to keep updated from Elder Pinyon. I hope that you will accept and understand that.

Stay Tuned.

Friday 18 July 2014

Just a Weekly Update

As for myself; I have been busy by being with the Missionaries for a lesson, the Missionaries arrived at my place which was one of the Missionaries was able to help me for my Sacrament talk, preparing a Sacrament Talk for upcoming this Sunday, updated 4 other blogs and drafting emails to friends who has gone on their missions for updates from this week. I finally found a little spare time to update this blog. 

I received 2 emails from Elder Pinyon and both of the emails was exactly the same. Thanks to Michael Pinyon {Elder Pinyon's Dad} to share a photo from the Mission's Blog. It was very nice of him to do that. Just a reminder that the spelling errors isn't my fault. 

This week's email;

"just a weekly update. We found an elderly lady while walking uphill and she was struggling so we tried to help her, but she wouldnt let us, so we just talked to her until she reached the top, but we found out the she had alzhema´s coz we asked her what year it was and she said 19....? so we figured that one out pretty fast, so we rang a number that we found on her walker and her daughter came and picked her up. Was really good to see her smile again when she saw her daughter. 

That was the most exciting thing this week, so it was good to help her, but have a great week and take care 

Elder Pinyon" 

Stay Tuned.

Monday 7 July 2014

Some Amazing Miracles

Today, I received 2 emails from Elder Pinyon. This is the first email that I received from him. A friendly reminder that the spelling errors isn't my fault as posting this blog post. The other email is a photo of a snail.

"This week was super awesome, had some amazing miracles. On Tuesday we met a lady in the forest on this new route that we made to go to Innenstadt (into town) and it was amazing to see how prepared this lady was, she was totally against protestants and Catholics, but luckily we are not them, so she listened to us and wants to meet again. Than on Thursday this Egytian lady that we found about 6 weeks ago. We didn't know this, but when we had initial contact she actually was thinking about what happens after this life and what happens with the family. She is so prepared, it is exciting work. Than we found a lady that was concussed and we helped her, I believe that she fell down the stairs or something, it was a bit scary, but all is good now.

The biggest miracle of the week tho was yesterday, when we went to an investigators house and we taught him, was really great lesson, but after we finished we went and got our bikes and Elder Randalls wheel was flat, so we didnt complain about it, funnily enough. I than suggested we go to bahnhof and drop it off and than go home. While walking to Bahnhof we saw a man that was wearing a Pheonix Suns cap and Elder Randall asked him about it and he is from Arizona, so he sorta figured we were Mormons. Than as we were talking we missed the light to cross the road, but after a small conversation we went our ways. As we crossed the road so did he the same way, but on the other side of the road. He than came over to us and said, "you walking this way?" We said "yeah". We started talking and he spoke about his family and said something about Prophets and Jesus Christ and we starting talking about the Restoration and going through step by step and he said "the apostasy and authority thing makes a lot of sense". Than after we spoke about the Restoration we asked him about what he thought tht purpose of life was. He answered, "I have been looking for that answer my whole life," so we replied and gave testimony about the Plan of Salvation and now we have a return appointment with him. Amazing to see how the Lord puts people in your way and when we ask inspired questions people are just ready.

The Lord is amazing if we put him first and follow what he says with obedience. Dont be discorouged because sometimes the Lord is preparing you for something better when a trial comes into your life, even if it is something as small as a flat tyre, the Lord has so much in store for you, you just dont know it yet. I love you all my friends and family, take care and have a great week :D Elder Pinyon"

Stay Tuned.